Office opens at 8 AM
Grand Entry 8:45 AM
Rope at 9 AM
All girl Breakaway
Enter via
Can enter day of event, $50 late fee (Cash Only)
Rope for the Crown Qualifier, WPRA Co-Sanctioned event, Women's Rodeo World Championship Qualifier (Open and Challenger Incentives), American Contender Tournament Event (West)
Open Breakaway - 80% Payback, $2,000 minimum ​added money
First to enter, last to rope
Enter 1 time
Progressive after 2 head
Top 20 short round, Awards to top 15
EF - $350 4 head ​
17 and Under Incentive (Awards and may have added money)
Top 5 Youth Breakaway ropers eligible for Youth Shoot Out at Gilroy Rodeo Buckin Bash on August 11th
$500 added money, buckle to fast time shoot out winner​
40 and Over Incentive (Awards only)
In Memory of Blaire Strohn, Fast Time Buckle of the Day
All girl Team Roping
Following the breakaway
Enter via
Can enter day of event,(Cash Only)
ACTRA Sanctioned, Women's Rodeo World Championship Qualifier (Open and Challenger Incentives), American Contender Tournament Event (West)
ACTRA day permits are $20
All Girl Open Team Roping
#4 Incentive (ACTRA Numbers)
4 Head, Progressive after 1, Go 4x
EF - $150 Pick 1, Draw 1
$600 8 runs
35% Cattle Charge